

這次拍照最爽的應該是 Shawn。

那副喜形於色還真的隱藏不住ㄚ~ haha~~
好啦,有人誇自己老公帥,Karen 也挺開心的啦!!
於是乎馬上動手,幫Shawn 來拍個型男寫真集,呵~~~

● 等我化妝中的Shawn,早不耐煩的自拍起來啦!

● Shawn 化妝中;這張是Karen用剛貼好假指甲的手顫抖著拍的...

● 顯然我們的型男對剛剛那張不滿意,還是決定自己來自拍。

● 喔喔~ 帥喔!!!!

● 還是帥。

● 有夠帥。

● 側臉也很帥啦!!

● 帶著些許靦腆的笑容~~~

1 則留言:

匿名 提到...

I hope that until the day that your teeth are falling out and your hair is turning white, when all the present is in the past that the two of you will still have each other to hold. Through the good and bad, i wish the both of you happiness and forever remember this moment. All the best.